Translation offices are the companies that bring customers and interpreters together and meet their translation needs in accordance with the sectors in which they operate in order to meet the needs of their customers.

The areas where translation agencies operate are very diverse. Various business agreements, construction, textiles and similar sectors may require translation of international firms' contracts, work permits, visa procedures and different legal documents.

As a result of the expansion of the business world and globalization, the demand for translation services provided by translation agencies is gradually increasing. Not only international companies, but also small businesses need translation when necessary.

Now if you are asking translation offices To increase customer satisfaction and trust, they establish and operate EN 15038 Translation Services Management System. At the same time to document these situations EN 15038 Translation Services Management Certificate they receive. A way to get this document goes through several steps.

The first stage is to determine the certification institution to be requested and to understand the price.

The second stage is to complete the application form to be submitted by the certification body. As soon as this form is prepared correctly and completely and submitted to the certification body, certification work is initiated. However, at the same time, the translation office has to open all documents prepared during the system establishment to the auditors of the certification body.

Certification body will initiate two different audits. The first audit will be conducted through the system documents and whether these documents meet the relevant standard requirements. If there are any deficiencies and errors will be solved at this stage will be requested from the settlement company. If there is no problem, the certification body will initiate a second audit at the translation company's office. In this study, processes and activities will be monitored on the job. Eventually, the auditors will prepare a report.

The certification body makes its decision based on this auditor's report. If deemed appropriate 15038 Translation Services Management System Certificate is prepared and delivered to the company.

EN 15038 Translation Services Management System certification process to get information about, even to install this system and to have the certificate, TURCERT certification organization can apply to experienced managers and employees.