The ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is based on five basic principles: environmental policy, planning, implementation and activities, control and management review. Let's look briefly at the features of these principles.

environmental policy

Organizations must first of all set an environmental policy when setting up the Environmental Management System. The environmental policy to be determined should of course be consistent with the activity of the organization and the goods and services it produces. In addition, environmental policy should not remain so-called, should show continuous improvement and include the commitments of the organization to prevent environmental pollution. Environmental policy should comply with the legal regulations of the country. The organization should have demonstrated its environmental objectives and objectives in the environmental policy and explained that it will be responsible for reviewing them on a regular basis. In the meantime, the participation of employees in the determined environmental policy should be ensured and kept open to the public.


Organizations should identify all impacts on the environment during their production activities and keep the most important of them under control. In addition, it should try to minimize environmental impacts by conducting continuous improvement works.

In addition, taking into account the legal regulations on environmental impacts, activities should be ensured to comply with these regulations. In terms of environmental impacts, emissions to air, emissions to water, solid and hazardous wastes to soil and consumption of water, electricity, raw materials, fuel oil, diesel and similar resources should be taken into consideration.

Applications and activities

The definition of the authority and responsibilities of the organization's Environmental Management System are the most important elements that ensure environmental management effectiveness. The management representative of the Environmental Management System should provide the necessary training to the employees and establish a proper communication system. The Environmental Management System manual, application instructions and business processes documentation should be available. Units with significant environmental impacts should be identified and measures should be increased. In addition, potential emergencies and accidents within the organization should be identified in advance.


Important activities that may have environmental impacts should be monitored and measured within the organization's activities. A method for measurements should be identified and maintained. Corrective and preventive actions should be taken if an inappropriate situation is detected in some way. Records of environmental conditions must be maintained. The functioning of the installed system should be checked frequently and the results should be reported to the senior management.

Management review

It is very important that the Environmental Management System established by the top management of the organization is working properly. The system must be adequately and effectively monitored by the senior management on the basis of predetermined criteria. In the event of a non-compliance, activities should be planned to remedy or improve the deficiency.

ISO 14001. For more detailed information about the basic principles of the Environmental Management System Certificate, you can contact TURCERT certification managers and employees.