The Software Process Evaluation System is also known as SPICE. The word SPICE is made up of the initials of a group of words. English stands for Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination. The Turkish term is: Software Process Improvement and Competency Determination.

This definition also sets out the standard scope of the ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment System. In this case, the system covers two main issues:

  • Improving software processes
  • Determination of competencies of software processes

In another aspect, the scope of the system can be described as follows:

  • Software purchase
  • Software development
  • Operation process
  • Maintenance and support processes

SPICE, defined as a tool for planning, management, implementation, auditing and improvement, or ISO 15504 Software Process Evaluation Systemincludes a number of processes, from purchasing a ready-made software or developing it within the organization to maintenance work. It is possible to group these process areas into five groups:

  • Collection, identification of the needs of the organization, acquisition of software, purchase
  • Implementation and maintenance of software within the organization
  • Software documentation, system identification, quality assurance, validation, validation, review, inspection and troubleshooting systems
  • Establishment of project management, quality management, risk management and similar systems within the organization
  • Compliance with corporate structure, process improvement, human resources, computer infrastructure, measurement and reuse processes design

In short, ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment System has two dimensions. The first dimension is the process dimension, the other dimension is the capability dimension of the processes. Process capability it is an indicator of how much a software process meets existing or anticipated business objectives, and process capability is measured in six dimensions:

  • 0: Missing or incomplete level
  • 1: Level made
  • 2: Managed level
  • 3: Institutionalized level
  • 4: Predictable, measured level
  • 5: Continuously improving level

Software Process Evaluation SystemThis scope is to ensure that there are no errors in software, meet user requirements, do not cause problems on a frequent basis and that errors are resolved in a short time.

ISO 15504. Software Process Evaluation System Certificate The organizations that wish to obtain information can apply to the experienced managers and employees of the TURCERT certification body in order to obtain information on the standards and scope of the system.