According to the Regulation on Good Agricultural Practices issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, certification works are carried out in accordance with the following product classification:

  • Herbal production
    • ITU-01: Fresh fruits and vegetables
    • ITU-02: Field crops
    • İTU-03: Flowers and ornamental plants
    • İTU-04: Seedling and nursery
    • ITU-05: Tea
  • Animal production
    • ITU-06: Ruminant base, cattle and sheep (dairy cattle, cattle fattening)
    • ITU-07: Poultry farming
    • İTU-08
  • Aquaculture
    • İTU-09: Aquaculture (fish module, bivalve molluscs)

Good Agricultural Practices Certificate the first thing that the producer companies or groups want to buy is to apply to a certification body. In this way, the certification process is started. When filling out the Application Form, the manufacturer must declare the product range or production area that he / she wants to certify. For Good Agricultural Practice Certificate and GLOBALGAP Certificate, certification studies can be done at the same time. For this reason, manufacturers can request for both documents if they wish.

Certification bodyHas to be an inspection and certification body authorized by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The applicant company or groups are inspected by the certification body and observed whether they operate in accordance with Good Agricultural Practice criteria. About this agricultural production firms If deemed appropriate, Good Agricultural Practices Certificate is issued and delivered.

The main feature of the Good Agricultural Practices system is that agricultural products can be traced from the field to the consumer table. The system is completely based on the recording of the activities and production stages of the manufacturing companies. In this way, from the moment a product is planted in the field, it is monitored until it reaches the consumer. Retained records will be kept and will be reviewed during the year's internal audits. In case of application for the first time to obtain a document, information on previous years will be sought, if possible.

Certification institutions, starting from the first step of agricultural production to the product collection and the introduction of all the procedures applied to the stage, Good Agricultural Practices criteriawill check what is appropriate. During these inspections, both the records of the records will be examined and if necessary, laboratory analyzes will be carried out to determine the qualifications of the product.

The issuance of Good Agricultural Practices Certificate is subject to the condition that the company undergoes such audits. Companies that have this certificate,

  • Food safety measures were taken,
  • It is important to protect the environment and the land,
  • Health, safety and well-being of employees

they are guaranteed.

Good Agricultural Practices Certificate is valid for one year from the date of issue. In order to maintain the validity of this document, the manufacturer must be inspected annually.

TÜRCERT certification body carries out agricultural product certification studies as well as certification of various management systems. The TÜRCERT certification body is ready to provide all kinds of services for organizations that require more clarification on Good Agricultural Practices certification studies or for those who require a Good Agricultural Practices Certificate.