One of the sub-sectors of the tourism sector is the hospitality sector. Accommodation industryis a sector which consists of hotels, pensions, holiday villages and similar businesses that people who travel for various purposes use to meet their temporary accommodation and eating needs, and sometimes to meet entertainment and other social needs. Since people's travel objectives and travel patterns, expectations, tastes and income levels are different from each other, the enterprises in the hospitality sector are also in very different ways.

These companies come from hotels. Hotels, businesses, traveling for whatever purpose, accommodation, nutrition, entertainment and similar services are fulfilled to meet the needs. Relations with people staying here depend on certain rules and standards. Hotels are categorized according to their location, the types of services they offer and the needs or sizes they meet.

The motels are less accommodation facilities, usually located on highways and meeting short-term breaks.

The holiday villages are located in more natural beauties or close to the archaeological sites, and the accommodation facilities are more accommodation facilities.

The hostels are simple, managed at least five rooms, accommodation facilities. Campsites, on highways, generally established in natural beauty, people with their own means to spend the night, rest, eating, entertainment and sports facilities are met.

HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System can be set up in HOTEQ 500 Hotel after a certain period of time, in order to provide better quality, healthy and safe service to its customers, hotels, motels, resorts, hostels and campsites. Quality Management System Certificate.

Apart from these enterprises, apart hotels, mountain houses (oberjs), sports and hunting facilities, youth hostels (hostels) can also apply and receive HOTEQ 500 standards.

Do not waste time in contacting the experienced managers and employees of the TURCERT certification body to obtain more detailed information about which types of organizations can receive the HOTEQ 500 Hotel Quality Management System Certificate.