Today, when urbanization is so high, very strict inspections, sanctions and food safety systems should be implemented more effectively by enterprises providing services such as production, storage and distribution of foodstuffs. Today, food trade is carried out globally and offers great benefits to consumers. Likewise, consumers are provided with quality, reliable and affordable foodstuffs that meet their demands and expectations. The variety of foodstuffs is increasing.

All these developments necessitate the emergence of new systems in the production and consumption of reliable and healthy foodstuffs and the priority of health. GAP (Good Agricultural Practices), GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), GHP (Good Hygiene Practices), Good Hygiene Practices) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) standards and accreditation practices as a result of this obligation. One of these applications is the FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System.

The purpose of these food safety systems is to provide an effective method for reducing food-borne hazards. At the core of all these systems is a food safety approach from farm to table.

The main approach to the prevention of food-borne risks is the careful consideration of all phases of the food chain, from the raw material to the consumption of foodstuffs, taking necessary measures and inspections.

The main principles of ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System are as follows:

  • Situations that may pose a risk at any stage of production should be identified and evaluated. In other words, risk analyzes should be made.
  • Necessary measures should be taken in advance for risky situations. This means that the control points and the risk should be determined at the moment.
  • All processes of food production should be specified. In other words, the raw material intake, the use of additives, the selection of packaging materials and the final product characteristics should be specified in detail.
  • All processes in the food chain should be traceable.


Not only in our country, but also in many countries, studies are being carried out to make food more reliable and healthy. For this purpose, the FSSC 22000 food safety standard was updated for the fourth time in 2017.