All cosmetic products circulating in European Union countries must be produced according to ISO 22716 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice System standards. Particularly with regard to toxic substances, product labeling and wider presentation of the product is of great importance. In addition to the European Union countries, other countries that have developed cosmetic markets see the same standard as a necessity and adapt it to their markets.

ISO 22716 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice System's audits in the companies established, from raw material manufacturers to the production of cosmetic products ensures that the basic requirements are fulfilled.

From this point of view, the first basic principle of ISO 22716 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices System is that arouse confidenceTruck. Companies that install and manage this system eliminate all hesitations and create a sense of trust in them. At the same time, the companies that have obtained the certificate of this system have been approved by an independent certification institution that all the requirements are fulfilled. This approval is the biggest factor in building trust. On the other hand, the fact that these companies are kept under control is a situation that increases the sense of trust.

The second basic principle of the Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices System is to make a difference in the company. Especially Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices System Certificatehas a significant competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is gaining strength both in domestic markets and globally.

Finally, another basic principle of the system is to raise the quality standard of the company. Already at the core of the Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices System is the Total Quality Management. ISO 22716 standardswork environment, determination of criteria related to employees, issuing and documenting work processes, preparation of application instructions will increase employee motivation, this will increase costs on one hand and quality on the other.

All cosmetic companies must comply with the requirements of this standard and have the ISO 22716 Certificate in order to exist in the global market.

If you want to get more detailed information about the basic principles of ISO 22716 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices System, TURCERT certification organization managers and employees are ready to support.