The seventh title within the standard structure of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System has been determined as performing the service. The second item of this title is the customer-related processes and under this heading three different topics are covered:

  • Determination of service-related conditions
  • Review of service-related conditions
  • Communication with Customer

A review of the service-related requirements mainly involves the following:

  • Whether the product conditions are fully defined
  • Whether there are differences in terms of the terms of the agreement with the customer
  • Whether the company is qualified to meet the requested requirements

Before presenting the goods or services to its customers, and even before accepting the order from the customer and making a contract, the company must review and make sure of a number of points.

First of all, there should be no hesitation in the definition and conditions of the goods or services requested by the customer. The conditions of the product requested by the customer shall be examined in full detail and the goods or services to be offered shall be decided whether or not they comply with these conditions. These conditions should also be recorded.

The second point that should be emphasized is that the company's first meeting with the customer should be checked to ensure that the conditions imposed by the customer coincide with the exact order given or the conditions in the draft contract. If there are differences with the previous agreement, an agreement should be reached.

The third important point in reviewing service-related conditions is to reveal a risky situation for the company. The sales and marketing and production functions of the company are usually the responsibility of separate managers. But they always have to work coordinated and know each other's abilities. Whether the conditions requested by the customer can be fulfilled by the company should be discussed and discussed with the relevant managers before the contract is signed. The final decision should be made after that. Otherwise, the company accepts the conditions it accepts and takes risks.

These activities related to the review of service-related conditions must be made in writing and records must be kept in writing.

The same steps must be taken once again by the customer after the contract is made.

ISO 9001. Within the scope of customer related processes, If you want to get more detailed information about the service-related conditions review, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Do not hesitate to apply to company managers.