The seventh title within the standard structure of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System has been determined as performing the service. The second item of this title is the customer-related processes and under this heading three different topics are covered:

  • Determination of service-related conditions
  • Review of service-related conditions
  • Communication with Customer

The company should always be prepared for communication with the customer under the following headings:

  • Product information on goods or services offered to customers
  • Changes, including customer requests, contracts or orders
  • Feedback to customers including customer complaints

ISO 9001. According to a company's products or services to its customers, all kinds of information about the product, using every channel has to do. These can be advertisements or catalogs with a description of the service, contracts with customers, or the company's website on the Internet. The company must have expressed its responsibility in this regard in the documents prepared.

Another sensitive point in communication with the customer is how to confirm the orders or agreements with the customers, announce the possible changes and get approval for these changes. These points must be included in the documents to be prepared by the company and the question marks should be eliminated.

The most important issue about communication with the customer is the method of feedback to the customers. Whenever the company has to give feedback to the customer for whatever reason, it must have determined in which way and in what way it will do it and must have written it down. This is a must for the company. Feedback can be made in a variety of ways. Feedback can be made through the website, or face-to-face meetings with customers can be made.

If customer complaints and suggestions require corrective and preventive action, the necessary actions must be taken in accordance with the relevant procedure. It should not be forgotten that feedback is the most important factor that improves the performance of a company.

Within the scope of customer-related processes, if you want to get more detailed information about communication with the customer, our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Do not hesitate to apply to company managers.