As stated at every opportunity, the most important criterion for the success of the Quality Management System is that the top management of the company supports ISO 9001 quality studies and believes in the understanding and benefits of quality management. Senior management if it can demonstrate strong and persistent leadership, employees will behave in the same way. In order to achieve this, the perspective of the senior management to the employees must also change. If senior management respects and values ​​their ideas, such a management approach enables employees to participate in Quality Management System practices. As a result, quality work is a team work. Senior management is successful as long as it is a part of this team and the employees value their opinions and thoughts.

Performed by top management management review meetings are held for this purpose and with faith; ISO 9001: 2015 It is important to ensure that the Quality Management System is continuous and effective.

When the top management conducts review meetings, a number of outputs are produced. Some of these outputs are listed below, but may also have other outputs:

  • Outputs, decisions and activities related to management review in general
  • The effectiveness of the Quality Management System and the business processes prepared within the scope of this system is increased.
  • Improving product quality in line with complaints and suggestions from customers
  • Company's manpower, financial and financial needs are determined

The frequency of management review meetings is determined entirely in line with the needs and activities of the company. Although it is theoretically appropriate to hold this meeting at least once a year, it is important that it is held more frequently in order to show how much the senior management owns the quality studies.

It is envisaged that not only the members of the board of directors, but also the Assistant General Managers, Heads of Departments or Department Managers who are actively in charge of the meeting will attend the meeting. In addition, lower level officials and managers may also be called for management review meetings if deemed necessary.

If you want to get more detailed information about the outputs of the Management Review meetings, our company provides services with a strong and experienced staff. TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification The company is always with you.