ISO 9001: There are a number of lists that should be prepared during and after the implementation of the 2015 Quality Management System. Below are the short lists for the effective implementation of the system:

  • ISO 9001 Revision Tracking List

When any document is to be revised, the document revision request form is filled out by the unit manager responsible for the document and delivered to the quality management representative in charge of the enterprise. The revision request form must contain the reason for the revision and the content of the revision. This information is recorded by the quality management representative in the Revision Tracking List, the format of which is shown below. The purpose of the list in question is to monitor the date, by whom, for what purpose and what changes are made on a document in a series of dates.

  • ISO 9001 Outsourced Document List

In the Quality Management System, in addition to the documents prepared within the enterprise as activities and activities, there is often a need for external resources. The most important of these is legal regulations. They are incorporated into the documentation system as published without modification. Such documents are followed in the ISO 9001 Outsourced Document List. Reports, research results or scientific publications published by national or international organizations related to the field of activity of the enterprise may also be included in external documents.

  • ISO 9001 Approved Supplier List

Businesses often work with more than one supplier to achieve high performance and quality, while providing low cost assurance. Businesses are to register the suppliers they have decided to work with on the ISO 9001 Approved Supplier List. The purpose of this list is to record the identity information, start and end dates of the suppliers and the reasons for the termination of the supplier's goods and services.

  • ISO 9001 Machine List

Businesses wishing to improve their performance have to choose the right machines and use them correctly. On the other hand, the enterprises have to register their machines and equipment. This list is a list of information about which machines are available in an enterprise, technical specifications, the date of commencement, regular maintenance of the machine and who is responsible for the safety and maintenance of the machine.

  • ISO 9001 Internal Auditor List

The internal audit activity serves to objectively identify the existing problems within the enterprise and to anticipate the problems that may arise in the future and to take the necessary measures. The ISO 9001 Internal Auditor List is designed to determine in which units these studies will be carried out, who will be responsible for these units, who will be responsible for these studies and who will be responsible for internal audits. .

  • ISO 9001 List of Documents Required for Employment

A number of documents are requested from the personnel who will start to work in a company. These documents are stored in the personal file to be opened for the personnel. Personnel personal files should be monitored and kept up-to-date as long as the personnel continue to work, not only during the employment. ISO 9001 List of Documents Required for Employment is a list of the documents to be obtained from the identity card photocopy, residence, photograph, criminal record, health report, diploma photocopy and the like requested when a staff member is hired.

  • ISO 9001 Passive Customer List

A passive customer is a customer who has not been contacted for any reason or who has lost contact with the company in time despite being a customer. Customers who have been customers of the company for a while but cannot be yielded can also be considered passive customers. The ISO 9001 Passive Customer List is a list of customers who have not yet started work, customers whose company has not worked for any reason before, or customers who no longer want to work for any reason when they have already worked.

  • ISO 9001 Potential Customer List

Potential customers are those who are not yet customers, but have the potential to become customers in the future. The ISO 9001 Potential Customer List is a list of customers that have not yet started work but are likely to work in the future.

  • ISO 9001 Active Customer List

The list is a list of customers where the company is still working and providing efficiency. It is becoming increasingly important for companies to retain their existing customers. Every company has to set a strategy for this. So he needs to decide which customers he wants to retain, what methods to do, how to measure retention performance and how to identify the retained customer.

  • ISO 9001 Quality Records List

Quality records are of great importance in the effective implementation of the Quality Management System. The documents used during the implementation of the prepared procedures and used in the retrospective analysis of the system should be kept and archived by the relevant units. An important part of these documents is quality records and these records are included in the list.

  • ISO 9001 Supplier Evaluation Question List

Suppliers are questioned from many points. This inquiry must be made both when deciding to work with the supplier for the first time and periodically evaluating the existing suppliers. The ISO 9001 Supplier Assessment Questionnaire identifies points that must be taken into account during these evaluation studies.

  • ISO 9001 Internal Audit Question List

The ISO 9001 Internal Audit Question List identifies points that must be taken into account during internal audit activities. In this context, it is revealed how much the enterprise owns and applies the quality system under the headings such as general conditions, documentation requirements, management responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement, analysis and improvement.

ISO 9001. More detailed information about the preparation of lists used within the scope of Quality Management System application, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company manager and employees.