In order to be able to compete with competitors and to maintain their image in terms of companies, customer portfolios must be very large. Therefore, marketing activities aimed at acquiring passive customers and acquiring potential customers are accelerated. However, another issue that is equally important is the protection and retention of existing customers. No company today has the luxury of offending and abducting its customers.

ISO 9001: 2015 Active Customer The list is a list of customers that the company is still working with and yielding. It is becoming increasingly important for companies to retain their existing customers. Every company has to set a strategy for this. So he needs to decide which customers he wants to retain, what methods to do, how to measure retention performance and how to identify the retained customer. The Active Customer List is of great benefit in such a study.

Long-term customers are satisfied customers for the company and have the potential to spread these satisfaction. The cost of acquiring new customers is very high for companies.

The information fields on the Active Customer List are as follows:

  • Document number (number of Active Customer List)
  • Release date (the date when the Active Customer List was first published)
  • Revision no (the number of times the Active Customer List has been revised)
  • Revision date (the date the Active Customer List was last revised)
  • Page number (number of pages in Active Customer List)
  • Bank ID
  • Customer name
  • Prepared (Name, surname and title of the person who prepared the Active Customer List)
  • Checker (Name, surname and title of the person checking the Active Customer List)
  • Approved (Name, surname and title of the person who approved the Active Customer List)

ISO 9001. If there is any doubt about how to edit and use Active Customer List, our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company managers and employees.


<Company logo>

Active Customer List

Document no .: LS / 999

Release date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Revision no: 999

Revision date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Page no: 9 / 99

Bank ID

Customer name

Bank ID

Customer name






















<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>




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ISO 9001 Active Customer List