Quality records are of great importance in the effective implementation of the Quality Management System. The documents used during the implementation of the prepared procedures and used in the retrospective analysis of the system should be kept and archived by the relevant units. An important part of these documents is the quality record, which is ISO 9001. Quality Records List.

For example, all records of quality meetings are kept by the quality management representative and destroyed at the end of the term. Records of the management review meeting, meeting minutes, reports and decisions are also quality records.

Similarly, records of corrective and preventive actions, internal audit reports, statistical records for measurement and improvement activities, records for supplier evaluation, records for document and data control, and maintenance and calibration records are always quality records and these are shown in the Quality Records List. Those who have completed the year of these records are reviewed by the quality management representative and the necessary ones are kept and the remaining ones are destroyed.

The information fields on the Quality Records List are as follows:

  • Document number (Number of Quality Records List)
  • Release date (the date when the Quality Records List was first published)
  • Revision no (the number of times the Quality Records List was revised)
  • Revision date (the date when the Quality Records List was last revised)
  • Page number (Number of pages of Quality Records List)
  • Unit (name of the unit that issued the document in question)
  • Document code and name (Title and name of the document in question)
  • Storage media (Media in which the document is to be stored)
  • Retention time (The time that the document in question will be stored)
  • Privacy rating (Privacy rating of the document in question)
  • Disposal (Disposal of the document in question)
  • Prepared (Name, surname and title of the person who prepared the Quality Records List)
  • Checker (Name, surname and title of the person checking the Quality Records List)
  • Approved (Name, surname and title of the person who approved the Quality Records List)

ISO 9001: 2015 Detailed information about the organization of the Quality Records List or what it does, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company manager and employees.


<Company logo>

Quality Records List

Document no .: LS / 999

Release date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Revision no: 999

Revision date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Page no: 9 / 99


Document code and name

Storage media

Storage time

Privacy rating

Type of destruction
































<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>




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ISO 9001 Quality Records List