Businesses have to use powerful machines to increase production quantities and speeds. Businesses wishing to improve their performance must select the machines to be used in production activities and use them correctly. On the other hand, the enterprises have to register their machines and equipment. ISO 9001: 2015 Machine Listis a list of the machines which are available in a company, their technical specifications, the date on which the machine was taken into operation, the last maintenance date and the last one, and who is responsible for the safety and maintenance of the machine.

In addition to the machine list, enterprises open files for each machine and in these files, how the machine was received, when it was taken, how long it was used in the enterprise, the regular maintenance dates of the machine to date, the malfunctions that the machine has produced so far and how these faults have been remedied. and similar information.

The information fields on the Machine List are as follows:

  • Document number (Number of Machine List)
  • Release date (date when Machine List was first published)
  • Revision no (the number of times the Machine List was revised)
  • Revision date (date when Machine List was last revised)
  • Page number (Pages of Machine List)
  • Machine name
  • Technical specifications
  • Date of purchase (date of commissioning of the machine)
  • Maintenance date (date of the last regular maintenance to the machine)
  • Responsible (Name, surname and title of the person responsible for the safety and maintenance of the machine)
  • Prepared (Name, surname and title of the person who prepared the Machine List)
  • Checker (Name, surname and title of the person checking the Machine List)
  • Approved (Name, surname and title of the person who approved the Machine List)

ISO 9001. For detailed information about how the Machine List is organized and what it does, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company managers and employees.


<Company logo>

Machine List

Document no .: LS / 999

Release date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Revision no: 999

Revision date: 99 / 99 / 9999

Page no: 9 / 99

Machine name

Technical specifications

Purchase date

Date of maintenance




























<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>




You can refer to the following word document as the form output of the ISO 9001 Machine List Page.
ISO 9001 Machine List