In the calibration process, the error amount of a measuring instrument is determined by reference to a tool that measures accuracy at a higher rate than itself. Therefore, the measurement instrument which is referenced for calibration should be traceable with national or international references. Calibration process in fact, it is an experimental study and studies should be done carefully and meticulously by educated people in a controlled environment. The characteristics of the environment, the equipment and materials used, the method used, the uncertainty of the measurement and the results should be shown in the calibration report.

Calibration This is not the process of setting a measuring instrument to give accurate results, but the measurement of the values ​​of this measuring instrument under certain conditions by means of known devices with reference values.

During the operation of a sample and the control of the products, all measurement and testing devices which determine the quality and quantity of the products and affect the quality of the products during the production stages and the final control point are subject to calibration.

ISO 9001. Calibration ProcedureIt is prepared for the purpose of controlling and calibrating all measurement, test and inspection tools affecting the quality of the products produced by an enterprise and determining the responsibilities. Therefore, it covers all kinds of control equipments and test equipment used in the operation for control and testing purposes.

A calibrated device form must be arranged for all measuring equipment and devices that are already in operation or newly purchased. This form contains the device name, serial number, unit of use, date and duration of calibration. The unit decides which devices need to be calibrated.

A valid calibration certificate is required for devices subject to newly calibrated calibration. If this certificate is not available, a calibration date must be determined and validation should be carried out during its use. The verification process is a measurement and control operation to check the calibration status. Calibration records should be kept for at least five years.

Devices that cannot be calibrated are necessarily sent for repair. These devices must be recalibrated after they have been repaired.

Calibration documents are reviewed by the quality management representative. On the devices in question, the date of the calibration and the date of the next calibration will be placed on the label.

ISO 9001 Calibration Procedure and what should be covered, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company managers.



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