The procedure is a document explaining what an activity is, how it is made, why it is necessary, which unit it is, and by whom, it is controlled and approved by others, how it is controlled, and how it is updated.

The rule that should always be considered when writing a procedure should be the 5N1K rule. That is, when describing an activity, what, where, when, how, why and who should answer the questions.

In a simpler way, the procedure is a document with the necessary methods and methods to follow during a job.

Quality management system a team that needs to be prepared procedures There. Some of these are system documents. That is, the procedures that the Quality Management System looks for. These are prepared by the representatives of quality management in the company. A number of procedures are prepared by the employees and managers of the unit where the activity is carried out directly. However, these must also be checked by the quality management representative in charge. These documents are based on the ISO 9001: 2015 Document Preparation Procedure and ISO 9001. It is prepared according to the principles of Document Control Procedure.

The following headings are taken into consideration in the preparation of all procedures, whatever the purpose is:

  1. Goal

The purpose for which the procedure is prepared is described herein.

  1. Scope

It is explained here which units or which employees or what kind of activities the procedure covers within the organizational structure of the enterprise.

  1. responsible

It is explained here who is responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

  1. Definitions

Definitions of the expressions or abbreviations required in the procedure and in which the disclosure is required are made here.

  1. Application

This is the most detailed part of the procedure. The manner in which the activity takes place and the necessary controls are included here.

  1. Related documents

The document names used during the activity are listed here.

An empty procedure page is shown below.

For more information on the procedures to be prepared under the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification company managers and employees.


<Company logo>

<Company name>

Document number:

Release date:


Revision no:

<Procedure name>

Revision date:

Page no:

1. Goal


2. Scope


3. responsible


4. Definitions







6. Related documents


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>


<Name, surname and title>




You can see the following word document as the form output of the ISO 9001 Sample Blank Procedure Page.
ISO 9001 Sample Blank Procedure Page