In the years when quality was first mentioned, the skill in hand workmanship was generally perceived as quality. Over time, the understanding of quality based on the inspection of products after manufacturing has developed. Then, statistical quality control methods were discussed. In this period, quality was accepted as compliance with the standards. In the years when the idea of ​​quality security was raised, not only the last post-production control was deemed sufficient, the controls that had to be made in the production stages started to gain importance and a quality movement involving new techniques started. In the strategic quality management following this period, quality has gained a more competitive meaning and the relations between customers and businesses have moved to different dimensions. During this period, the customers became a decision maker. For customers, customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction has become the main target. Today, sustainable and competitive quality is dominant and quality refers to addictive relationships.

At the point reached today, the quality of a manufactured product goes back to the control of the quality of the raw materials or materials entering the enterprise at the entrance stage. ISO 9001: 2015 Introduction Quality Control Instructions, all kinds of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products, quality control standards, non-acceptance or conditional acceptance of non-conforming products and the principles and responsibilities related to these activities.

The quality and quantity controls of the materials brought to the facility and downloaded to the stock area should be done according to the waybill information. Acceptance of the materials determined to be in accordance with the purchase order form is performed and placed in the warehouse or in a suitable designated area. Materials that are determined not to comply with the order conditions are placed under protection by affixing a reject label. At the same time, the supplier is notified without delay.

Depending on the field of activity and characteristics of the business, it may be necessary in some cases to take samples of each incoming material separately and check these samples for suitability to the sample.

The Quality Management System is a system for meeting customer demands and expectations. In this respect, the system is based on the control of both internal factors and external factors that affect the product quality. In this respect, procurement of raw materials, finished products or semi-finished products and materials from suppliers means controlling both internal and external factors. Suppliers are the suppliers of materials for the enterprise and their quality will directly affect the quality of the goods produced. Not allowing inferior goods receipts shows how much the company attaches importance to quality standards and product quality. Supplier evaluations and input quality controls are therefore also important.

ISO 9001. Introduction If there is a need for consultancy while preparing Quality Control Instruction, our company TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Do not hesitate to apply to company managers and employees.



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