All organizations must protect and improve the environment in which they operate. In order to determine its obligations in this regard, the protection of the natural environment while producing products or services, the provision of quality and safe products in line with the preferences of customers, respect for the rights and freedoms of employees, the management of the enterprise in a way that protects the rights of and supporting various health and art activities.

Mor Yıldız Social Responsibility Management System In order to achieve this goal, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. is a fully developed name and logo, but based on the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Management System criteria and standards.


The benefits of Mor Yıldız Social Responsibility Management System to the organizations can be summarized as follows:

  • Improve poor working conditions
  • Support the efforts of NGOs
  • Contribute to Social Responsibility Mutual Funds


The scope of Mor Yıldız Social Responsibility Management System can be expressed as follows:

  • Social Responsibility Management System purpose and scope
  • Local laws that the entity must comply with in addition to the standard in order to qualify for certification
  • Basic regulations of the International Labor Organization and the Constitution of the United Nations
  • Concepts such as business, supplier, child worker and forced worker
  • General requirements that an enterprise must comply with when applying the Social Responsibility Management System and receiving documents

Who can get it?

Mor Yıldız Social Responsibility Management System standard is applicable for all organizations operating in public or private sector as well as tourism organizations.

How to get a document?

Organizations that set up and implement the Mor Yıldız Social Responsibility Management System standard in their enterprises can apply to the TÜRCERT certification institution when they want to obtain the certificate of this system and receive a quotation. TÜRCERT conducts a price study and submits it to the related institution first, depending on the size, number of employees and scope of activity of the company requesting documents.

If an agreement is reached on the price, the relevant institution shall fill in the Application Form and submit the Social Responsibility Management System documents and other additional documents requested to TÜRCERT.

The next step is audit work. TÜRCERT appoints an auditor and starts the audit work. The auditors go to the offices and facilities of the relevant organization and monitor whether the activities are carried out in accordance with the criteria of the system. If the nonconformities identified are of the kind that can be remedied immediately, they are expected to complete. If the audit results are positive, the reports to be prepared by the auditors are reviewed by the relevant committee at the TÜRCERT certification body.

If the auditor's reports are approved, a Certification Agreement is made with the relevant organization and Mor Yıldız Social Responsibility Management System Certificate is prepared and delivered to the organization. The validity period of this contract and the document is three years. However, once a year, surveillance audits are conducted and the relevant institution is monitored.

Before the validity of the certificate expires, the relevant institution must reapply and request the renewal of the certificate.