While certification bodies carry out certification studies on a number of national and international standards, they provide consultancy and training services to companies while some certification bodies also provide specific technical services.
The main technical services provided are as follows:
- LVD Low Voltage Test
LVD Low Voltage Test, which is made to measure the quality of the products, is performed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Electrical Equipment Designed for Use within Certain Voltage Limits. The Low Voltage Regulation with its short name is related to the safety of electric vehicles. This regulation covers electric vehicles that use or produce voltage at specified intervals. All companies that produce these electric vehicles can place CE marking on their products when they meet the safety requirements and conformity assessment processes contained in this regulation.
- EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility Test
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility Test is in accordance with the provisions of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulation. This regulation is based on the EMC Directive 89 / 336 / EEC issued by the European Union. This test can be carried out on all electrical and electronic devices that are disturbing other devices or affected by other devices. The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive sets out the requirements to be applied in this regard. EMC tests are a series of successive tests and demonstrate the compatibility of products with each other.
- Clean Room Tests
The ISO 14644 Cleanroom standard is designed for clean rooms and environments controlled with these rooms. The basis for this standard is the Federal Standard 209E standard. TS 11605 standard is the standard translated by TSE and adapted to the conditions of our country. In order to obtain a sterile product that does not contain live pollutants, ie no microorganisms, the pollutants must be kept to a minimum. These rooms, which are specially designed and kept under constant pressure, are called clean rooms.
- Air Microbiology Tests
Testing of air microbiology, ie controlling the load of microorganisms in the air, has gained importance in food products, cosmetics and many other fields, especially in health. Test organizations use test kits suitable for the development of all kinds of bacteria, mold and fungus. According to the test results, the number of microorganisms after use of air purifying devices should be significantly lower than the number of microorganisms in the living environment.
- Occupational Health and Safety Analysis
Firms make environmental measurements, ie, occupational hygiene measurements, tests and analyzes based on risk assessment. If the occupational safety expert or the workplace physician in the workplace is deemed necessary when there is a difference between the workplace environment or the personal exposures arising from the nature of the work being done, the occupational hygiene measurements, tests and analyzes are repeated. Test organizations are subject to the provisions of the Regulation on Labor Hygiene Measurement, Testing and Analysis Laboratories. This regulation has been enacted in order to regulate the principles related to the physical, chemical and biological factors related to personal exposure or working environment within the scope of occupational health and safety regulations.
- Thermal Comfort Measurement
When it comes to thermal comfort, it is stated that a large part of the workers in a workplace should be in a certain comfort while maintaining both their physical and mental activities in terms of climate conditions such as air flow, temperature and humidity. The disturbance of the working environment in this sense leads to a decrease in efficiency and work accidents. Thermal comfort measurements are carried out using four basic parameters to determine the working environment: temperature of air, humidity of air, air flow rate and thermal radiation.
- Lighting Measurement
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law, it is a must to perform lighting measurements in working environments. The intensity of light to be determined must be in accordance with the standards and between the highest and the lowest limits. The illumination intensity measurement is done to determine the conformity of the light intensities provided in the business environment of the firms. Workplaces need to be properly illuminated depending on the sector and operating conditions.
- Dust Measurement
In some industries, dusts are a serious danger for workers' health. In addition, dusts can cause malfunctions in the machines and vehicles used and thus cause loss of work, time and money. The size of the dusts reaching the lungs by the respiratory tract is below the 10 micron. Particles smaller than half a micron can reach to other organs through blood. They cannot be disposed of in some way and tend to accumulate. Therefore, these are the most harmful for human health.
- Operating Environment Noise Measurement
Employers are obliged to determine the noise levels to which employees are exposed and to make noise measurements when necessary according to the results of the risk assessment. The Regulation on Protection of Employees from Noise-Related Risks includes the lowest exposure action values, the highest exposure action values and the exposure limit values. This regulation has been adopted in order to determine the minimum requirements for the protection of persons working in environments with high noise levels from the health and safety risks that may arise as a result of exposure to noise, in particular from hearing related risks.
- Measurement of Chemical Exposure
Factors that change the chemical composition of the environment which is suitable for the healthy life of the environment, which can be transmitted to the air, the tools and equipment used in the work environment, food or human skin, are called the material substance. The calculation of workers' exposure to chemicals in this way is based on the measurement of the chemicals in the working environment. This is called industrial hygiene. Chemical exposure and ambient gas measurements are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Health and Safety Precautions in Works with Chemical Substances.
- Ambient Gas Measurement
According to the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Law issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, employers have to protect workers from the dangers and harmful effects of the conditions of the working environment. In order to provide a safe working environment, it is obliged to carry out measurements, tests and analyzes for physical and biological factors related to the working environment. Work environments should be tested to be safe using appropriate measurement and observation tools.
- Vibration Exposure Measurement
The Regulation on Protection of Employees from Vibration Risks, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, has been published to ensure that employees are protected from health and safety risks resulting from exposure to mechanical vibration and to demonstrate the minimum requirements to ensure this. The regulation includes exposure limit values and exposure action values.