Unfortunately nature is being used to ruin. The worsening of environmental conditions and the deterioration of the ecological balance of the world worries people and organizations. Therefore, studies are carried out in order to minimize and eliminate as much as possible the damages caused by the enterprises to the environment or the damages they may cause to the environment.

Turquaz Yıldız Environmental Management System has been established by TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. for the protection of natural environment by the organizations. is a fully developed name and logo, but based on ISO 14001 Environmental Management System criteria and standards.


The benefits of Turquaz Yıldız Environmental Management System to the organizations can be summarized as follows:

      Organizations show their customers that they are under an obligation for environmental management

      Pollution arising from the activities of the organization is controlled from the source

      In this way, confidence is created in customers

      The organization receives certain permits and authorizations more easily

      Gain national and international reputation

      Since natural resources will be used effectively, costs decrease and productivity increases

      The organization easily adheres to national and international legal regulations


The scope of Turquaz Yıldız Environmental Management System can be expressed as follows:

             Conditions of Environmental Management System

             environmental policy

             Environmental aspects, legal and other conditions

             Objectives, objectives and programs of Environmental Management System

             Resources, tasks, responsibilities and powers

             Documentation (control of documents, control of activities)

             Emergency preparedness and response

             Monitoring and measurement, evaluation of conformity

             Nonconformities, corrective and preventive actions

             Internal audit

Who can get it?

Turquaz Yıldız Environmental Management System Certificate has started to be perceived as a prestige for national and international organizations. This standard is applicable not only for tourism organizations, but also for industrial establishments and public institutions, and for all organizations and manufacturers providing products and services.

How to get a document?

Organizations that set up and implement the Turquaz Yıldız Environmental Management System standard in their enterprises may apply to the TÜRCERT certification institution when they wish to obtain the certificate of this system and receive a quotation. TÜRCERT conducts a price study and submits it to the related institution first, depending on the size, number of employees and scope of activity of the company requesting documents.

If an agreement is reached on the price, the relevant organization fills in the Application Form and delivers the Environmental Management System documents and other requested additional documents to TÜRCERT with this form.

TÜRCERT then appoints an auditor and initiates the audit. The auditors go to the offices and facilities of the relevant organization and monitor whether the activities are carried out in accordance with the criteria of the system. If the nonconformities identified are of the kind that will be eliminated immediately, they are expected to be corrected. If the audit results are positive, the reports to be prepared by the auditors are reviewed by the relevant committee at the TÜRCERT certification body.

The TÜRCERT certification organization enters into a Certification Agreement with the relevant organization based on the auditor reports and prepares the Turquaz Yıldız Environmental Management System Certificate and delivers it to the organization. The validity period of this contract and the document is three years. However, once a year, surveillance audits are conducted and the relevant institution is monitored.