Quality Management Systems are based on customer expectations and needs, aiming to produce products and services in accordance with the conditions stipulated by legal regulations and thereby increasing customer satisfaction. To achieve this, possible errors and defects during the production of the product or service must be avoided. Only in this way can increase production and quality. Final checks after the completion of production cannot give exactly what is expected of quality.

Turuncu Yıldız Quality Management System, based on this approach, TÜRCERT Technical Control and Certification Inc. is a fully developed name and logo, but based on ISO 9001 Quality Management System criteria and standards.


Organizations that establish and manage the Orange Star Quality Management System benefit from numerous benefits:

      A disciplined working structure is established in the organization

      The organization works customer-oriented and easily follows the ever-evolving demands and expectations of customers

      In this way, the organization gains reputation and competitive advantage

      Customer portfolio expands

      Convenient selection of suppliers

      Suppliers are more comfortable under control

      Product and service production error and waste rates decrease, costs decrease, productivity increases

      Analyzes, measurements and evaluations related to product and service production can be done easily


The scope of the Orange Star Quality Management System can be expressed as follows:

      Conditions of Quality Management System

      Documentation requirements (quality manual, checking documents, checking records)

      Management responsibility (management commitment, customer focus, quality policy, planning, responsibility, authority and communication and management review)

      Resource management (provision of resources, human resources, infrastructure, working environment)

      Product realization (product realization planning, customer related processes, design and development, procurement, production and service delivery, control of monitoring and measuring equipment)

      Measurement, analysis and improvement (control of inappropriate product, data analysis, improvement)

Who can get it?

Orange Star Quality Management System is applicable for all public and private organizations producing a product or service.

How to get a document?

Organizations that establish and implement the Orange Star Quality Management System standard in their companies may also wish to obtain the certificate of this system. In this case, TÜRCERT should apply to the certification body and get a quotation. TÜRCERT conducts a price study and submits it to the related institution first, depending on the size, number of employees and scope of activity of the company requesting documents.

If a price agreement is reached, the relevant institution shall fill in the Application Form and submit the Quality Management System documents to TÜRCERT.

The next step is audit work. TÜRCERT appoints an auditor and starts the audit work. The auditors go to the offices and facilities of the relevant organization and monitor the activities on the spot. If the nonconformities identified are of the kind that can be remedied immediately, they are expected to complete. If the audit results are positive, the reports to be prepared by the auditors are reviewed by the relevant committee at the TÜRCERT certification body.

If the auditor reports are approved, a Certification Agreement is made with the relevant organization and Orange Star Quality Management System Certificate is prepared and delivered to the organization. The validity period of this contract and the document is three years. However, once a year, surveillance audits are conducted and the relevant institution is monitored.